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JSONURL: Nearest endpoints locations from Airtory feed endpoint
Search TermSTRING : term to search on the map
Data SourceBusiness Search, Airtory Feed
Amenity typeTypes of locations list as the result of the search
Display TitleSTRING : Title to display on the map for the results
Marker IconIMAGE : Marker icon image
ZoomINTEGER : Default Zoom level of the map
LatitudeFLOAT : Fallback Latitude of the map if no result is yielded
LongitudeFLOAT : Fallback Longitude of the map if no result is yielded
Map controllersBOOLEAN : Enable/Disable map controller
Controller ColorCOLOR : Color code of the map controller
Distance MetricMiles/KM
Controller Positiontop-left/top-right/bottom-left/bottom-right
Initialize on loadBOOLEAN : Enable/Disable map initialization on load