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AutoanimateOption to auto animate the slider when the component initializes. We should be able to access this option via API.Unselected
Autoanimation TimeDefines how long it takes to complete the autoanimation.2 seconds
Disable Autoanimate on InteractionWhen selected, the autoanimation stops if user interacts with the slider.Selected
OrientationHorizontal, VerticalHorizontal
Slider sizeOption to change the width and height of the draggable area.100% width, 80px height
Slider positionOption to place the slider (draggable area) within the component.50
Slide iconOption to choose an image which will work as visual indicator for the drag gesture.
Slider icon sizeOption to change the width and height of the icon image.60
Divider AngleOption to change the angle of the mask.10
Divider WidthOption to change the devider line width.4
Divider ColorOption to add a solid background color to the divider line.#ffffff
Divider ShadowOption to add shadow styles. This will help giving the feeling that one of the elements is in top of the other.#000000
Divider ImageInstead of adding a flat background color, we would like to be able of adding an custom image to be use as the slider.
Divider Image ScalingResize image to fit, Crop image to fill, Strech image to fill, NoneFill